July at FarmEco

It's July and we are busy getting ready for harvest. The crops look good, although one more good rain would really help. We have also sold our first crop of lambs and prices were excellent.

We now have really important decisions to make. What are we going to use our land for going forward, what crops do we plant and what demand will there be for livestock ?

We have to plan for 5 years and there is so much uncertainty it's hard to know what to do. We are planning different options of land use; converting to organic, regenerative and some conventional crops growing to maximum output or potentially re-wilding.    

We want to produce nutritional food that's affordable to everyone by utilising livestock and trees in our farming system to produce an economically and environmentally successful operation whilst also being socially inclusive throughout.  

FarmEco would like to involve you in understanding the options and the day to day issues that farmers currently face. Therefore, farmer David will be running Meet the Farmer sessions starting 23rd July (see below). The dates of future sessions will be announced shortly and we will keep you updated.

To find out more about 'Meet the Farmer' and to see farmer David in action please click the video below:


Clubs & Groups

  • Men in Sheds are now working three mornings a week (Monday, Tuesday and Friday) to cope with the increasing number of members and the increased demand for their services. We've now completed our work for The Urban Worm Company (four benches, one stud wall and a very large insulated shed in which to breed worms. We've also made and installed a circular hardwood bench for the gardens in Southwell Minster as seen below.

    We're now turning our efforts to moving down the shed and re-organising our workshop as the farm wishes to create a new meeting room where our metal working area currently resides.

    Our job list is getting as long as our jobs list at home:

    1. Clad the FarmEco reception hut walls in cork

    2. Build and install a viewing platform for the FarmEco wetland area

    3. Replace the Fergie's clutch

    4. Build a number of hedgehog houses

    5. Build a quail hutch

    6. Create and install a number of brass rubbing pillars for FarmEco

    7. Build and install two FarmEco information boards

    8. Repair a bench

    9. Two signs for Car Colston Church

    10. A sign for Screveton Church

    11. Frame and mount a 130 year old map of Screveton and surrounding area

    12. Numerous bench repairs

    If you'd like to join and help out, please give Kev a call on 07739 519748

  • We are happy to announce the next planned bird monitoring and wildlife walk around FarmEco site will take place on 28th August at 9.30 until 12.30.

    We have been conducting these surveys for 18 months and are watching and measuring how species change across the farm with the seasons and most importantly with changes in farm environment as the various forest areas grow and mature.

    We are very excited as we have added a moth survey capacity with support from Alex Turnbull who sets his trap and shows us his night time visitors.

    There is also major work in progress to establish a wetland area in the meadow. The ponds will be filled when we visit so there may be some early wet bird life to observe.

    Dogs who are calm and on the lead are welcome, Barney the Tibetan Terrier is a regular! Mike Reid and hopefully Francis Reeson will offer expert guidance.

    We ask that people pay a site access fee of £5 to support maintenance of the site and access to facilities and parking.

  • Our cider club members enjoyed picking the heritage apples at FarmEco last autumn to make into cider.  The cider has been maturing in tanks and is now ready to taste and bottle.  We make a small amount of cider to share among members at social events at the farm.  Each of our ciders taste very different but are always delicious!  Members also help to look after the trees, press apple juice and make cider vinegar for sale at our events.  If you are interested in joining the cider club please email cider@farmeco.co.uk

  • Create with Nature are inclusive art sessions to support people living with dementia and their carers.  These sessions encourage people to share memories of time spent outdoors in the summer. We'll create nature inspired collages and clay wall hangings.  Our sessions run through July and August.

    For more details visit https://www.farmeco.co.uk/green-prescribing-wellbeing

    or email cider@farmeco.co.uk

A visit from Flintham School


In June, FarmEco hosted Flintham Primary school on an all-day educational visit. The Children started the day with an interactive tractor and trailer around the farm learning about the importance of livestock, crops and biodiversity. They were also treated to a worm and soil masterclass from the Urban Worm! To finish the day the children enjoyed a nature-based arts and craft session in our bongo tent, creating leaf prints and other pieces using items they found themselves.

Feedback from the children

What did you enjoy most about the day?
"Going on the tractor ride"; "Meeting the piglets"; "Seeing the Geese".

What did you learn today?
"Worms and flowers are really important"; "Combine harvester collects all the wheat".

If you would like to find out more about what we offer for educational visits or would like to submit an enquiry please do not hesitate to email communities@farmeco.co.uk


LEAF Open Farm Sunday


On 13th June, FarmEco Community Farm at Screveton opened its gates to the public for LEAFs annual event 'Open Farm Sunday', welcoming over 1300 people on to the farm. The event is a national celebration of British Farming and diversification in the countryside, and is a great opportunity for people to connect with their local farmers and green spaces. 

FarmEco provided tractor and trailer rides around the farm with a guided tour around the edible woodland, agroforest and the fields of wheat, from David the farmer. Demonstrations of live sheep shearing, animal handling, and sessions in bush craft by the Forest School leader and nature crafts with Quirkshops. The event was an opportunity to visit the farm and learn about farming, as well as the many ways nature supports health and well being.


People at FarmEco

Tribute to Martin Wagstaff (Wag)

Wag has been involved in all aspects of our farm for 30 years! He sadly died after a brave fight against cancer.

He loved the countryside, more importantly being able to spend time on the farm nurturing wildlife and the environment and then sharing it with others, as long as your dog was on a lead!

He was amazing with young people and so many have learnt so much from him. His smile radiated warmth making everyone who met him feel happy!

He had charisma, charm and a bloody temper! He leaves a great legacy on the farm and I know many of you will want to keep that going. We will be creating a memorial plaque and dedicating an area of the farm in his name!

Our love goes out to all his family and friends

A goodbye

Ben Walters, who has been working with us at FarmEco since January, is now moving onto the next chapter of his career:

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at FarmEco over the last 6 months and have gained some vital experience and knowledge which I can now take on to my future career. I arrived with little to no knowledge of Agriculture and everything that supports it, however, I am now leaving with a wealth of knowledge on all aspects of farming, especially the importance of regenerative farming and conservation in achieving a more environmentally friendly approach. I would thoroughly recommend anyone who has some spare time or is looking to gain experience in this field to contact farmEco and get involved in the multitude of opportunities they have to offer. 

A new arrival

Hi, I’m Elizabeth Hammond, the newest member of FarmEco. My role is to engage the community with all the wonderful projects happening at the Farm, and to make them accessible to all. I come to this role with great excitement and enthusiasm as it combines so many of my skills and passions. A farmers daughter from Nottinghamshire, trained horticulturist and experienced land based lecturer, with a passion for community and environment. I look forward to connecting with you all soon!

A key volunteer

My name is Jazamine Thorpe and I started volunteering at FarmEco in February 2022 with a passion for farming although little practical experience, however I was a quick learner. Since volunteering at the farm I have learnt to put many skills into practice such as lambing, shepherding and tractor work such as chain harrowing, rolling and topping. I also spent time planting and surveying trees. I also recently started to create videos and films for the farm to help with media for events.

I am currently looking for paid work in Farming and Agriculture to further my career, learn more and provide for my family.